What I Know To Be So – A Spontaneous Poem

March 24, 2009
When I enter into Infinite Space
My problems dissolve.

Drifting in the realm of endless time
I am carried along.

As a pebble is moved by the stream
Into the vast ocean of Being.


And, when I touch the heart that is yours
I explode in bliss.

With no separation comes union
As fear is removed.

Into a depth of understanding
Where love can unite.


Without pretense raw in honest display
Spirit is revealed.

No more stumbling hesitation
To accept what is

As all is surrendered completely
To embrace presence.

Into Be-ness.

Into Love.

Tonight’s very spontaneous poem.
Copyright 2009 by Dr. Lisa Love

Self-Respect & Setting Standards

March 24, 2009
“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve.” — Anthony Robbins
Dr. Lisa Love Reflections.
Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the notion of setting standards, especially when I consider using the law of attraction in a spiritual way. And, it’s occurred to me in light of what is happening in the world today, maybe as a whole our standards just are not being set high enough. After all, we live on a planet where 1,000 plant and animal species are going extinct everyday. Yesterday, the news announced that in the United States 40% of all children that came into the world in 2008 are born to single mothers without fathers involved in their child’s care. Increasingly around the globe civility is dead, more wars are taking place than ever before (Mexico is now considered more of a threat than Iraq is due to the drug industry) and slavery is the largest it has ever been in human history (almost all human slavery these days is of women and children being forced into the porn and sex slave industry, with most of them being exported to India and Asian countries for prostitution there).

Apart from just trying to bum everyone out with horrible statistics, I think it is time that as human beings we joyfully set our standards a little higher. To help along these lines I recommend the following three books I have had the pleasure to read lately.

THE LOVE DARE (And don’t miss the movie Fireproof that goes with it. I loved it! It’s Christian based, but regardless of your faith this book is one of the best I have ever read to help people learn what real love is! One of my favorite topics by the way).

ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN (a book that reveals how especially women need to get off the Cosmo trip and start to rethink how they are encouraging men to treat them with dis-respect, leave them and not be the best men they can be).

THE FALL: The Insanity of the Ego in Human History and the Dawning of A New Era (A book that shows the horrible way men and women can treat each other and how to go beyond treating others and our Earth in such disrespectful ways. Only then will we gain more respect for ourselves, each other, and this world).

In short, it is time for us to raise our standards and understand that we have attracted this world because the baseline bar has been just to low. Time to get motivated, grow in love, and learn to really love and respect each other and our world. The results will be more than worth it.


Dr. Lisa Love
Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

FREE GIFTS ON MY WEBSITE: Go to: http://www.doctorlisalove.com/freegifts.html

Beyond the Secret – Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction

March 19, 2009
Below is a listing of the Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction listed in my book
BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction.

Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction

Experience a 10 step process that will help you manifest the life you are meant to live.
It’s as easy as ONE, TWO, THREE!


Orient Towards Spirit.

Know that essentially you are Spirit. As you surrender to Spirit you come from fullness, not lack. Esentially, the more fulfilled you are the less you need to attract. Rather, you become a conduit for love to emerge and find true satisfaction in living a life of service.

Negate the Ego.

Discover the ways your ego stops you from experiencing true joy, satisfaction, and peace of mind. The ego is always about grasping. It feeds on fear and encourages a constant feeling of lack. Thus, you learn to observe your ego and infuse it with Spirit overtime negating it’s constant tendency to play what I call “The See Me Game”, which always calls attention to your little self.

Engage the Soul.

The soul is the bridge between Spirit and the ego. Essentially, the soul is consciousness and love. the ego is ultimately only diminished through love. As you engage the soul you clarify and strengthen your values. You live a life of love. And, you create soul stories instead of ego stories to inspire and motivate you.


Take Time to Align.

As your ego becomes filled increasingly with Spirit through consciousness and love, you shift your identity increasingly to BE-NESS, or Spirit. Now, you align the thoughts, feelings, and actions that exist in the realm of the ego by cleaning up negative karma and shifting old patterns so you can live more fully in the present moment.

Watch and Listen.

The more the various aspects of your ego (thoughts, feelings, actions) align with Spirit the more you are able to enter the silence. Here within the silence you enter the flow and follow in a more natural way what Spirit (which is you) wants for you to be, have, and attract in life. The intuition is also cultivated allowing you to listen more deeply to the realm of Spirit primarily through meditation and other intuitive means.

Order Your Thoughts.

As you descend more into the realm of thought (and the lower realms of the dense world of the ego) mind-stuff is activated. Always the grasping nature of the ego needs to be avoided at this stage, as it can easily come into play. As the mind is held in the light of Spirit, a concrete plan for manifesting your service emerges. Typical law of attraction tools such as visualization, affirmations, and mind-mapping are all useful at this stage.


Tap Into Your Feelings.

Especially at the level of feelings the ego can overwhelm the original intention that Spirit is attempting to manifest and attract into your life. Learning to develop emotional mastery is especially important at this stage by understanding the gift of every emotion allowing you to use all of them in a conscious and effective way. Then your emotions can turn into a powerful tool for increasing the momentum you need to succeed to illuminate your life with love and to manifest your service lovingly into the world around you.

Highlight the Shadow in Others.

Especially as you prepare to manifest a service into the world the dense ego states of others (their thoughts, feelings, and actions) can rise up to oppose you. Learning to work with the ego states of others in a loving, detached, and effective way is important and helps you understand how to improve the situation by ideally transforming them, or if this is not possible coping with them, or if need be walking away from them altogether.

Remove the Shadow in Yourself.

As we near success in getting what we want the ego once again can rear it’s head. Jesus experienced this in the desert after his baptism and Buddha went through it under the Bodhi Tree. All the trappings of success can produce the “Shadow Side of the Law of Attraction” as we slip away from our identity with Spirit and once again get caught up in the lure of fame, wealth, beauty, and all the numerous games our egos play to try to “prove” how special we are, forgetting as Spirit all are special and we are everyone around us.

Execute and Easy Does It!

Moving into the realm of action skill is still required to manifest our service in the world. Skills inlcude the ability to develop a keen sense of timing, making sure you have something of real value to offer, and knowing how to build a support team to help you sustain what you manifest so it can come into full flowering in the world.


Dr. Lisa Love
Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

FREE GIFTS ON MY WEBSITE: Go to: http://www.doctorlisalove.com/freegifts.html

The Bliss of Surrender – A Poem

March 18, 2009

Gently the heart opens.
For no reason, but to surrender.
To let the bliss of Spirit inside.

No desire, no wanting, no needing.
All is released. 

I am here, dissolving. 
Spirit is here, embracing.
Whistfully penetrating.
Joyfully penetrated.

Into stillness. 
Infinite emptiness. 

The mystery of Being.
The ecstasy of receiving.
That which already is, always has been, and ever will be.

Such peace in the Divine embrace.

Written 3/17/09. 
Copyright 2009 by Dr. Lisa Love

Happiness, The Power of Now, & the Law of Attraction

March 16, 2009

One of the most amusing things to me with some law of attraction practictioners is how they use the law of attraction to resist the present moment. An ancient spiritual truth expressed by all major religions and made more popular by Eckhart Tolle today, is how when we have the ability to fully accept and surrender to the present moment, we greatly increase happiness in life. But, sadly, many people use the law of attraction to avoid the present moment and therefore unwittingly increase the level of suffering and unhappiness in their lives. How does this happen?

Because the law of attraction propells us into a constant state where we avoid what is happening right now allowing us to spend our time in the present moment instead in a constant quest for what “should be” or what we “want to be” in the future. Example: I don’t like what is right now. Meaning I don’t like my current job, or economic situation, or relationship, or health condition, and so forth. So, I need to use the law of attraction to get out of where I am right now. Because only when I get a more attractive partner can I be happy. Only when I get more money can I be happy. Only when I lose ten more pounds can I be happy. So, I create a vision board, start doing all kinds of affirmations, whatever it takes to get out of this present moment and into what I believe a “better moment” might be. The problem is, since I have never learned to appreciate the gift of what is, right now, when I get to that next future moment (which is now the present moment), I have never learned to be content with what is, so I keep running after what I think I need next to be happy and so forth.

Ironically, the more you focus on this the more you perpetuate a chronic state of discontent and even fear. Because now is never good enough no matter what present moment you are in. By not being able to accept what is and spending all your time finding ways to run away from it, you increase unhappiness. Instead, if you could befriend the present moment by going into it more deeply, you could learn to extract the juice, the gift (such as increased awareness), and even the joy out of every moment you are in.

Example One: Avoiding the Present Moment.

You lose your job, or your partner no longer wants to be with you. You tell yourself, “This should not be.” You wail, you rage, you plot your vengence. Or, you immobilize in a state of confusion or grief and remain helpless and paralysed. In this state of great emotion you avoid the gift of right now. You run and react (instead of act) by using a law of attraction approach to help you get out of where you are now to attract a new job or new partner thinking then you will be happy. Then, all will be well. And, by doing this you become future, not present, bound.

Example Two: Accepting the Present Moment.

Here you accept as quickly as possible, “I have lost my job,” or “My partner no longer wants to be with me.” Maybe you will feel some grief, some anger, or another emotion. Instead of runnning from your feelings, you feel them. As you do so stillness emerges. Within the calm of the present moment you reawaken to the beauty of what is, right now. Gratitude swells up for what is. Depth emerges giving you the power to accept and appreciate more, what is right now. You find the gold, or the gift that lies within your present circumstances. The more you open up and trust in what this moment has to offer you, the more your sense of self expands making you more aware of not only what is, but of who you really are as a human, as the planet, and as part of the Universe. This puts you in a state of fullness, which is why I often say in the truest sense the law of attraction doesn’t exist. Because the more you empty out your ego identity (or your limited self) and expand into your identity as Spirit (as an unlimited self), the more you appreciate that even if at the level of the ego you don’t have what you want, as Spirit you already do!

The Law of Surrender

And, in that space Spirit is attempting to reveal to you what it wants for you in this moment. It has caused the present moment for a reason. As you stay open to this possibility you avoid the usual ego tendency to run from the present moment and to create a new future based upon it’s limited understanding. Instead, you surrender to what Spirit wants in this moment, leaving you open to a number of revelations. For example. Maybe you are not meant to get a job again right now. Maybe you are meant to rest for a bit, or enter into a training program for a new line of work. Or, maybe you are not meant to have a new relationship right away again. Maybe you are meant to be single for a time so you can grow into a new you! Staying in the present moment by first using the Law of Surrender before attempting to activate the Law of Attraction you find that in many ways, Spirit knows what is best. Opening up to what Spirit wants (which is ultimately opening up to what “you” want, since you are Spirit) not only leads you to a brighter future (or a happier succession of present moments) it leads you to serenity and peace brining you the opportunity to have a lifetime of joy and fulfillment.


Dr. Lisa Love

Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

Benefits of Conscious Complaining

March 9, 2009
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain. ~ Maya Angelou

Recently, I’ve been exposed to a couple of books that were anti-whining and anti-complaining. And, especially in tough times it is easy to be prone to complaining. But, did you know (with all due respect to Maya Angelou who I adore) complaining can be very useful? I call it “conscious complaining,” which from a law of attraction perspective is an excellent tool that helps you clarify and discern what you “don’t want” in your life, as a prelude for switching over to knowing what you “do want” from this point forward. For example. You don’t want to be in debt. You don’t want to have high interest credit cards. You don’t want to lose your job or your home. You don’t want to mess up a really great relationship. Good! You are complaining. And, by complaining in this way you are discovering what you don’t want and will no longer tolerate.

Now that you are clear about what you don’t want, let’s switch gears and get insight into what you can do about your problems. Regarding your debt, can you whittle it down? Can you talk to a Consumer Credit Counselor to help you? Can you get financial advise regarding how to save your home? Can you live more simply and get rid of the attitude that dictates a lifestyle of consumption? Can you learn to be a more loving person and partner? What else can you do to change your life and attitude for the better? Remember, used in the right way complaining helps you get clarity. And, once you are clear you can turn your anxiety into action and make a change in either behavior, attitude, or both. So go ahead. Complain, get clear, get motivated, get changing, and complain no more!

To your success!

Dr. Lisa Love
Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

FREE GIFTS ON MY WEBSITE: Go to: http://www.doctorlisalove.com/freegifts.html

Visualization Tips

March 9, 2009

Dear Dr. Lisa,Dear Leslie,

I’ve been trying visualization methods, but they just don’t seem to work for me. I have friends who say they are effective. Am I doing something wrong?

St. Petersburg, FL


Visualization can be a powerful tool if used correctly. Here are some tips to help you out. First, when you begin a visualization exercise, make sure your motive is good. Visualization techniques are not just about creating your own health, wealth, and happiness, but about finding out how your increased health, wealth, and happiness can also be used to help others achieve these same goals in their lives. By adding in the right motivation, in a sense we invite “Divine participation” into our creative visualization efforts.

Second, when I first started to practice visualization exercises many years ago, I realized that the capacity to visualize was not very strong in me. Of my five senses, my hearing and touch senses were more developed, and seeing pictures in my mind was not easy for me. So, I had to practice very simple visualization techniques to get me started. For example, for some time I simply tried to hold the image of a circle with a dot in the center (a symbol for the sun). Later I would image other simple geometric shapes, like a triangle, square, and so forth. Next, I would add color to the shapes, and put the shapes on top of each other. Over time, I would attempt to rotate the shapes and imagine what that would like. When I was at last able to master holding a stable image for some length of time, adding color and a three-dimensional perspective to it, I entered into more complex forms of visualization.

Why are these basic steps important? Because visualization is more powerful and effective, the more real it becomes to us. This is why one teacher I had even encouraged adding all the senses in a “visualization” exercise, not just the capacity to see images. For example, if you were to visualize yourself in a park, you would “see” the images in the park, sun, trees, grass, people, but you would also hear the sounds in the park (children playing, yourself breathing in and out, birds singing). Then, you would add the touch sense, feeling the wind touch your skin, the warmth of the sun on your body and the ground, and so forth. You would even add smell (the flowers, the water nearby, your own body scent, and so forth), and for those who could really get into it, you would add the last sense of taste, which is usually difficult for people to master (tasting the air on your tongue for example).

Why go through all this? Well, as you probably noticed even in what I wrote to you above, the entire scene begins to become increasingly real to you. And this is the power, the more real it becomes, the more likely you are to not only motivate yourself to make it real in your life, but to condition your body to respond as if it were real (which is why many of us respond to movies as if they were real, getting scared, happy, sad, even though it is only a “movie” on the screen).

In a way, visualization is a poor word, since it only indicates the use of one sense. But, the idea is that you can begin to change your life by using your five senses to re-imagine, or re-sense, your experience of life. And when this ability is added to the desire to change your life not only for the better, but to dedicate these changes to helping others improve their lives as well, that when the hand of the “divine” steps in, in my opinion, and empowers what you are doing even more.

A third step involves one not often talked about in books, which also might be the reason the tool is not working for you, and that is visualization exercises can often call up resistance to the very thing we are trying to manifest in our lives. In other words, each of us has certain habit patterns we have settled into in life. When we try to change those habit patterns, there is often resistance. This resistance can come in the form of a loss of personal will power, other people stepping in to discourage us, or simply forgetting to keep practicing our visualization exercise. Whatever the form of resistance, it is important to remember that persistence is the best way to overcome this. Persist in your visualization practice and success will be more likely that what you visualize will come true in your life.


Dr. Lisa

Want help with the above? I’m here to assist you.
Contact me at Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

FREE GIFTS ON MY WEBSITE: http://www.doctorlisalove.com/freegifts.html