FREE Coaching Into Greater Health & Financial Freedom

June 15, 2009

quote134Times can be tough in this economy, I know. But, there are still opportunities out there for you that help you build wealth doing something you love.

I was looking for an opportunity myself for over two years. I was especially interested in the trend towards anti-oxidant juice products, but of the companies I explored, something about the product or company wasn’t working for me. Then I found EIRO and I signed upimmediately. Already, I am experiencing a significant jump in my health and income.

And, I WANT YOU to have greater health and financial freedom too.


1. You Succeed, I Succeed. It’s that simple. That’s why I an willing to make a total commitment to your success and want you on my Eiro team! And, I want to help you learn how to make this business simple, so you can succeed at the highest level with a minimal effort of only a few hours a week.

2. Free Coaching. Normally, I charge upwards to $300 an hour for my coaching services. Now, how about getting my services for free? If you are part of my Eiro team that is what you will be receiving as I help you grow your business, improve your health, and move into financial freedom.

3. Empowering You to Believe. Belief in the product, belief in the company, and belief in yourself is crucial to your success. Workingwith me I will help you not only believe, but succeed. Let’s get started, have fun, be healthy, and live the life we are meant to. Visit my website for extensive information on EIRO, and call me for an interview to learn more.

My EIRO Website.
My Email Address.
My Phone Number. 858-356-8359

What is EIRO?

The website says it all. But, just to let you know, here are the Top Five Reasons I chose Eiro over all the other companies I researched out there.

1. The Opportunity. EIRO is totally at the ground level and those of us already familiar with networking marketing know how important it can be if you get in early.

2. The Product.. All natural and healthy ingredients, great taste, easy to use, easy to carry with you, really easy to sell.

3. The Team.. In the early 1990’s I mentored under some top leaders in a network marketing business who taught me how to do this business in ways I never dreamed possible. Those same leaders are in charge of the launch and success of EIRO

4. The Social Networking.. As a huge social networking fan I was especially excited to get involved with a company that understands how social networking can be used to generate sales and build a business. Remember, this is the wave of the future.

5. The Chance to Grow.. One of the best ways to generate wealth is to be involved in something that helps you make money while you sleep, and network marketing helps you to do so. Plus, EIRO helps you do it even better. You just have to know how to make it work.


My EIRO Website.
My Email Address.
My Phone Number. 858-356-8359

Call me or Email me to find out more!

Heal Your Emotions, Heal Your Life

June 10, 2009
Kerplunk Game

Kerplunk Game

Dear Friend,

If times are tough right now and you are going through fear, loss, sorrow, frustration, confusion, disappointment, desperation, anger, or more…

…. then I know I can help you. My name is Dr. Lisa Love and after decades of living through both good times and bad I know intimately that the number one thing that will help you get through is knowing how to heal and shift your emotions so they no longer stop you from moving forward in a powerful and successful way.

Consider this!  It’s a childhood game called Kerplunk that best illustrates why this program is so important for helping you recover from any difficult situation you are in.

Marbles = Thoughts
Pickup Sticks = Emotions
Tray Bottom = Actions Following Through

Now, the goal of the game is to get the marbles down through the chute to the bottom. Or, to get our thoughts into actions we follow through on. At times, however, our limiting beliefs prevent us from even putting the marbles into the tube. So, we never get started. But, if even we do get started and put our positive beliefs and thoughts (the marbles) into the tube, they can still get blocked. Why?

Because the pickup sticks represent all our unhealed emotions that sabotage our ability to follow through or act in the right way, despite all our positive thinking and good intentions. That’s why emotions are considered “the power factor of manifestation.” They e-mote us, or move us, into the direction we need to go to attract what we need to for a better life, or not!

The name of the game, then, isn’t just positive thinking it’s positive feeling! So, how do you get your feelings working at the highest state so they can aid you? Here’s how!

Heal Your Emotions, Heal Your Life CD Set

CD ONE: Shifting Fear Into Love
CD TWO: Shifting Confusion Into Clarity
CD THREE: Shifting Sorrow Into Compassion
CD FOUR: Shifting Anger Into Energy
CD FIVE: Shifting Jealousy Into Fulfillment
CD SIX: Shifting Happiness Into Joy
BONUS CD: Healing Your Emotions Visualizations

That’s right. In this program I will show you how you can shift six major emotional states into their highest level, where their true gifts can be revealed to you.

  • Learn about the giftseach emotion gives if you handle them at the highest level, allowing you to “remove the pickup sticks” or energy blocks that stop you from getting motivated, moving into action, and manifesting what you need to, especially in a harmonious way.
  • Discover how each emotion operates at an unhealthy, average, and healthy level.
  • Get a variety of practical exercises to help you shift each emotions in a positive way.
  • Be led through a visualization helping you to work with the emotion at the highest level.
  • Each CD is 60 minutes in length or longer.
  • Remember, when you feel as if your life is not going the way you wish it would, whether you are experiencing good times or bad, nothing seems quite right. Often that is because you don’t understand how to manage your emotions at a positive level. But, that no longer has to be the case. You can learn to gain mastery over your emotions and keep yourself positive, energized, and ready to act in an effective way.

    Wouldn’t you rather have love, clarity, compassion, energy, fulfilment, and joy in your life over fear, confusion, sorrow, anger, jealousy and fleeting moments of happiness?

    Then learn more about this CD SET HERE to heal your life once and for all.


    Dr. Lisa Love

    Dr. Lisa Love Website

    Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

    About Dr. Lisa Love

    Check out my NEW BOOK: SOUL SUCCESS: How to Create Joy & Prosperity in Good Times or Bad Buy the book and receive bonus gifts at my website.

    Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.

    FREE GIFTS ON MY WEBSITE: Go to: http://www.doctorlisalove. com/freegifts.html

    Notes From a Recovering Spiritual Addict

    June 7, 2009

    Priorities: Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different, because I did something so bazzingly crazy that my ruins became a tourist attraction -

    Who could have imagined it? After what had amounted to decades of spiritual training, teaching, service, rigorous meditation practice, being a vegetarian, running for free one of the largest spirituality ecology, personal growth, alternative healing sites on the Internet, reading well over a thousand books (mostly on spirituality, self-help, and psychology), being trained by some incredible teachers, going through a number of intense mystical experiences (some even lasted non-stop for weeks), and earning a number of spiritual, transpersonal, psychological degrees, I of all people would want to take a break and go on what I called my “spiritual sabbatical.” Why?


    Spiritual burn-out! Yes, I am a recovering spiritual addict.

    Yep. It was time for me to acknowledge something similar to the title of a person’s book I really admire, Jack Kornfield. The name of the book? After the Ecstasy, The Laundry.

    Or, maybe we could put it this way… After the Ecstasy.. I was…

    * needing to focus more on finances.
    * discovering what it was like to be a mother.
    * learning the real nitty gritty lessons of relationships.
    * finding out that sometimes “gurls (guru and girl combined) just want to have fun!”
    * cleaning up in that washing machine the especially crusty stuff still sticking to me from my childhood.
    * deciding at times it was better to sleep and zone out instead of meditate (and easier too!)
    * learning as I went “beyond ananda” (like Swami Beyondananda — the comic alter ego of a friend of mine Steve Bhaerman), that sometimes you just have to say no matter how many realizations you have…”Heck if I know!”
    * and so many more valuable lessons of being a human being, and not just a spiritual one.

    So, why am I sharing this with you? Because there is something really incredible and different having gone through all of this in my new approach to spiritual work. And, it is based on the recognition that there is never really anything that exists outside of spiritual practice. It is all “grist for the mill.” Relaxing into this has brought a softness, humor, and ease into the whole process that too often did not exist in my life before. Plus, it is bringing a peaceful compassionate awareness regarding who I am (ultimately as the I AM, or One with all that is), and who I am (as the flawed but fantastic little speck of consciousness incarnate in a person named Lisa Love).

    What then, was my spiritual sabbatical about and why do I feel it is over now? I think it was about taking a break from the intensity of a process and a practice that may at times have made me a bit too much. And, why do I now feel that sabbatical is over? Because as I ease back into a more rigorous practice I do so with a greater lightness in my approach. I don’t take it so seriously any more, though my intentions to practice again at a deeper and fuller level are still in place.

    My hope for you then, is to be gentle as well as stern with yourself, and in balancing the two you find your own middle way. Then, you can even find ecstasy in the laundry, because you will enjoy learning about what is being sifted away, and what is emerging clean and fresh. Living more in the flow, instead of addicted to control, your spiritual practice will embrace more of everythng around you and within you with compassion and love.


    Dr. Lisa Love

    Dr. Lisa Love Website

    Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

    About Dr. Lisa Love

    Check out my NEW BOOK: SOUL SUCCESS: How to Create Joy & Prosperity in Good Times or Bad Buy the book and receive bonus gifts at my website.

    Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.