The Path to Love – Help a Million vs. Make a Million

October 10, 2011

For decades now people, even those in spiritual circles, have lived according to the notion that the goal in life is to make a million (or even a billion) dollars.  But, as my book BEYOND THE SECRET revealed, this approach leads us far away from the path of love.  It is almost common knowledge that after people get their basic needs met (and I mean basic), their capacity for happiness goes down if they don’t become good stewards of their money for the good of all.  To compensate for their egotistical (and sometimes sociopathic) tendencies they resort to more and more addictive, controlling, and abusive tendencies.  In many ways they are “stomach down people.”  They are people who live from the lower drives of power, pleasure, and security and ignore the higher needs of love, compassion, honesty, integrity, vision, and unity with all.

Yet, before the masses become critical of those with wealth let us remember that there is nothing wrong with wealth per se.  As I have often said, if the 1.250 billionaires in the world gave away only 1 billion of their many billions to the 7 billion people on the planet, we would not have significantly less difficulties in the world today.  Fortunately, a number of wealthy people are good stewards of their wealth, though many are not.  But, here is my point – giving away money from the rich to the poor is not the answer.  Raising consciousness is the answer so that we live according to an ethic of LOVE.

What does an ethic of love look like?  Well, it doesn’t look like what most magazines present to us that glorify excess consumption.  Over and over we see celebrities spending anywhere between $30 million dollars on a wedding to $6000 on a pair of boots.  And, we are supposed to be excited and impressed by this?  Consider then how many lives could have been saved on this planet for this same amount of cash.  $100 can keep a child alive for a year in Africa.  So that is 60 lives that could have been saved for one pair of boots or 300,000 lives that could have been saved for a year for one wedding bash.  Yet, instead of feeling repulsed by this, magazines that show us these excessive lifestyles make a ton of cash.

So, why are we doing this?  And, are YOU doing this?  What are we teaching our children around the world with this kind of unloving ethic?  And, why do we want to glorify making a million over and over again as if excessive consumption, greed, and self-indulgent egotistical excess leads to happiness when over and over again we learn that it doesn’t?

An ethic of love looks much different.  It helps a million over making a million and the magazines would then be full of people who live relatively simply giving most of their cash away to help others once their basic needs are met (which can be done at about 50K a year).  Plus, when you are focused on service and helping others, there is nothing to fear. You can lose your money and your power.  But, you can never lose an opportunity to reach out and love others.   At least that is what my BEYOND THE SECRET book asserted one year before the economic crash happened (which I predicted was coming as early as January 2008).  And, I still assert it now.  HELP A MILLION and insist that those who have a million help a million as well.  That is the path to love and the new ethic that will lead us onto that path in the future.



Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved.

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Why Am I Full of So Much Joy?

September 20, 2011

Seriously, I’ve been trying to figure it out.  What is this inner shift about?  I’m getting more joyful than I have ever been in my life.  But, it isn’t about external things — having or having not.  I think this is what the spiritual use of the law of attraction is about.  That inner state, joy, and bliss.

So, what is creating it in my life?  One thing that helped, I radically simplified my life so I could live my life from an inner flow.  On my vision board are not images of houses, cars, clothes, walking around town and looking in stores and thinking “I can have this, I can have that” aka “The Secret” style.  No, I’m focued on my own teachings and principles aka BEYOND THE SECRET style.  And, it’s working.

I get up and pretty much think, “Great, I’m still here.”  I practice my main meditation these days, remembering I am Spirit breathing this body, not a body breathing Spirit.  I look around and start to think how lucky I am.  Then, I remember that per every five words I write or speak somewhere on this planet a child is dying due to violence, disease, or hunger.  So, I think, “How can I help?”  Then I get busy trying to help others as much as I can from a state of joy and a real desire to give, instead of through an obligation to do so.

I am also struggling to discipline myself to exercise more and eat as I know I should.  I know everytime I exercise, eat right, and take my vitamins and herbs, I feel super-charged.  This is my main focus regarding my own life.  It is still a bit of a journey as I was raised on cakes, brownies, cookies, candy for desert almost every day of my life.  I’ve cut way back, but I still don’t do fruits and vegetables like I need to.  I am telling myself, “Do it not only for my personal health, but so I can be here longer to contribute to others.”  Then, I rely on the Spirit that I AM to breathe into this body, brain, and nervous system more discipline and determination.

What perplexes me is that technically I “have less” than I have ever had “stuff wise.”  In fact, I would like even less stuff.  One thing I do have is an abundance is books.  I have read a massive number of books in my life.  Several times I have given boxes and boxes of books away to libraries.  I just gave 26 boxes away last year.  Now, I would like to give the rest of my books away as soon as I can afford to get the really essential ones all on a Kindle (which I have yet to buy, but intend to).  Then, I will need even less space to live in (though I live in a small apartment), and be even more free to pack up and travel (like I am doing now on tour) to go out and meet and help people.

Eight years ago when I was losing my home, my marriage, a website (Soul to Spirit) I had spent years creating, and just about everything I owned I was crying up a storm.  I wrote BEYOND THE SECRET as I came out of that period in an attempt to figure out why I had gone through everything I had.  I mean I am one heck of a positive thinker and person.  Believe me, it was NOT due to my “negative thinking.”  Read my book BEYOND THE SECRET to learn more.

I kept meditating, praying, and working through a wide variety of feelings (the insights of doing that process are summarized in my FEELING GOOD & LIVING GREAT book).  I strengthened my spiritual cable to my true spiritual self and did a lot more inner work (and in my life I’ve already done an excessive amount of that, but there is always more to do).  Now, I am almost overjoyed.  And, it isn’t because my external life is perfect (perfect partner, house, health, etc).  It is because I just don’t focus on externals much at all anymore.  I focus on laughter, love, joy, being creative, and giving.

As I am touring these days I am around a lot of people who are struggling as they are losing “things.”  To be honest I actually find this kind of amusing.  The Buddhists say all things are imperment, even this body.  Don’t worry about stuff.  Focus on the part of you that is the REAL YOU.  When you do, you will get it.  We are NOT HERE TO CONSUME, we are here to CONTRIBUTE!

Get into what you have to GIVE, instead of what you want to GET, and your life will be filled with miracles.  Look, I had the pleasure of sitting in the homes of 100’s of people 60 to 103.  All were physically ill.  Learning from them I got it.  I really did!  The ONLY thing that made people happy at the end of their lives was how much they learned to love and give in this world.  Didn’t matter if they had a yacht behind their mansion, or were in a homeless shelter.  The externals didn’t matter.  I met rich people who were terribly unhappy, and rich people were full of love and joy.  I met poor people who were terribly unhappy, and poor people who were full of love and joy.  And, ALL OF THEM WERE SICK.  So forget the health part even.  I kept puzzling over this whole thing.  If externals (rich/poor) didn’t make the difference and health was something none of them had, then how did they pull off the joy?

Here is how…

1) They were full of gratitude.

2) They were full of love.

3) They focused on what they could still give to help others no matter what.

4) They found the humor in life.

5) They laughed.

6) They smiled.

7) They had a spiritual practice.

8) They knew who they really were.

9) Even in the face of death they had no fear.

What an amazing process.  If anyone would have told me years ago when I was losing my home, work, relationship, even my health for a time, that I was going to end up more joyful than I had ever been, I would have thrown them out of my life.  Yet, here I am.  And, I’m still pretty young.  I’m getting it.  I’m living the message of my own teachings.  And, here is the good news…. if the rest of the planet wakes up in the same way…. well, we are in for one glorious time!  No, we may not have as much stuff.  We may even create an economy where we DON’T WANT STUFF!  (Imagine that).  But, we will have so much joy!  Not even happiness (which is mostly based on me getting what I want), but joy (which is based on me contributing all I can whether I get what I personally want or not).  Here in the USA we may even change the constitution to life, liberty, and the pursuit of JOY.  And, as we live from joy we will be shocked we ever wanted to live that other way before.

So, maybe that is it  Maybe that is why I get up and just laugh so much these days.  I don’t take it seriously.  Even my photo here on Facebook.  People tell me I need a “glamour” shot.  You know where I get my teeth fixed, have someone do my hair and makeup.  Put the little hand under the chin, etc.  Honestly, the reason I like the picture I am using is because I was literally laughing at myself.  I was cracking myself up.  For the first time ever I took one of those cell phone shots where you stand in front of a mirror and click the picture.  I thought, “This is pretty hysterical.  Can you imagine using this photo publically?”  Then, when I saw myself, I went, “Wow!  Ok, maybe the hair can be better, and the lighting better, and I still haven’t gotten those crooked teeth fixed, but THERE I AM!  I can see ME!  The real ME!  Not the surface me.  The light inside of me.  The joy inside of me.  The humor and not taking it seriously part of me.”

“Good enough,” I thought.  Up the picture went on Facebook.

Today then, why not do the same?  Just don’t take stuff so seriously anymore.  Let your light shine.  Let your joy shine.  Let your love shine.  Then go out there and see who needs your help.  Even if life sucks around you.  Be there for someone.  In the meantime, I will do my best to be there for you.



Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved.

Want help with the above? Check out my website:

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Changing into Someone You Are Not – Ariel, the Little Mermaid – How NOT to Love Yourself

August 31, 2011

Is a man really loving you for you, or are you really loving yourself if you turn into a change project to become someone you are not? That is what Princess Ariel does, also known as the Little Mermaid. And, is trying to please a man by morphing into someone else she is just one more example of HOW NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF, the name of the new book by Dr. Lisa Love. Are you acting in a naïve way like Snow White? If so, learn how to stop. The book is also available as a combined text, audio, video course at under the title TAKE BACK YOUR POWER AND LOVE YOURSELF


Playing Dumb and Naive About the Shadow Side In Life – Snow White – How NOT to Love Yourself

August 31, 2011

Ignoring the shadow side of life including in the people around you can lead you into trouble the way it did for Snow White, a woman who is an example of HOW NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF, the name of the new book by Dr. Lisa Love. Are you acting in a naïve way like Snow White? If so, learn how to stop. The book is also available as a combined text, audio, video course at under the title TAKE BACK YOUR POWER AND LOVE YOURSELF


Pretending Problems Don’t Exist – Princess Aurora the Sleeping Beauty – How NOT to Love Yourself

August 31, 2011

Are you messing up your chances for love the way Princess Aurora the Sleeping Beauty did by sleep walking through life and pretending problems don’t exist? If so you are learning HOW NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF, the name of the new book by Dr. Lisa Love. Also available as a combined text, audio, video course at under the title TAKE BACK YOUR POWER AND LOVE YOURSELF


Putting Yourself Last – Princess Cinderella – How NOT to Love Yourself

August 31, 2011

Are you messing up your chances for love the way Princess Cinderella did by putting yourself last in your quest for a prince? If so you are learning HOW NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF, the name of the new book by Dr. Lisa Love. Also available as a combined text, audio, video course at under the title TAKE BACK YOUR POWER AND LOVE YOURSELF

Watch this video here to learn more!


In the Womb of the Mother — My First Sweat Lodge

August 17, 2011

Many years ago I heard about sweat lodge ceremonies.  I confess at first they seemed creepy.  Bodies rubbing up against each other, while people were dripping in sweat.  Not my idea of a pleasant journey.  Then I had some fellow classmates at one of my Master’s programs go through a sweat lodge ceremony.  They came back raving about how incredible it was.  I couldn’t go at the time because I was a new mother and breast feeding.  But, I wanted to do a sweat lodge ever since.  Yesterday, I did.

To begin with I am blessed to have done it at the Ojai Foundation, one of those miraculous places where Native American
teachings of Council, Vision Quest, and Sweat Lodge regularly occur.  A picture of the lodge is below.  The ceremony is traditional run by a Native American Chumash elder named Paul.  As this was an all women’s sweat lodge he was the fire keeper and his wife Aleesa ran the ceremony.

From the very start something in me began to stir as we began the fire ceremony with Paul as our fire keeper.  As he talked about the “stone people” (the lava rocks put into the fire), the “one legged” (the trees who gave their life for the fire), the connection to the aliveness of everything around us emerged, not just as a theory or a platitude, but a reality for me.  The deep level of respect for the rocks, the earth, the trees, the lodge (also known as the womb of the mother that was going to rebirth us) touched me deeply.

After a Council around the fire where 25 women began to tell their truths to one another (and yes most of us were complete strangers) that lasted three hours, I was already sweating and feeling pretty cooked.  Then it was time to crawl into the “mother’s womb” where there were so many of us we were literally packed in like sardines touching arms and legs with very little room to move.

For five hours we sat in the heat.  Truth be told I have never felt so drenched in my life.  Sure I’ve been in a pool and tub of water, but this was different.  I was not only drenched on the outside, sweat was pouring out of me from the inside.  If I had bothered to weigh in before and after I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that I had lost five pounds.

As for the details of the ritual in general there were four rounds in the lodge, all held in total darkness.  Each round honored one of the four directions and the work we did was related to the psychological and spiritual teachings each direction holds.  Though I am still processing all that happened there, what I am able to understand so far is that 25 women sat in the dark and told the most raw and real truths about our lives we could tell.

This was far from a “get over it” experience that those who only want to glorify the light and run from the shadow like to espouse in motivational talks and coaching circles.  Rather, this was a “get real” experience.  No hiding from the feminine, from the Great Mother, from the shadow.  It was time to admit the truth, to feel the truth, to tell the truth without varnish.  No hiding, no covering up.  No running into addictive or hedonistic patterns as a means of escape. To be honest it was very, very hard work.  Physically,
mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically — it was exhausting.

At one point after 6 1/2 hours of it I knew I couldn’t take it anymore.  My low blood pressure combined with major dehydration had me nearly passing out.  “All my relations,” I said to my fellow sisters.  “I need help.”  Far from the James Ray macho cover
up the truth and let people pass out, sufficate, and even die approach, this was an environment of total support.  “Yes, sister.  How can we help you?  What do you need at this time?”  I was not the only one who had asked for help in this way.  Four women had exited out the door before me.  Some in panic, some in physical duress, some simply not used to the major catharsis going on.  My sisters tried to talk me through to see if I could stay.  I started to faint.  They let me briefly out the door.  There the other sisters who had left were waiting for me and tended to me.  I was determined to recover and get back in to finish the sweat.  A little bit of water and a few minutes of rest, I did.

In that space we shifted from sharing the deepest wounds of our lives, to praying for the things we were desparately craving to feel healed.  We also prayed for those we loved and attempted deep forgiveness work on those who we felt harmed by.  I said attempted, because none of it was fake.  No fakeness allowed.  If you couldn’t forgive you could rage.  Some women raged so loud I honestly thought I might have broken an eardrum.  Others wailed, moaned, sobbed, cursed.  It was intense.  I’m a psychologist.  I’m used to intense emotions.  But, this?  This was intense.  REAL INTENSE.  Raw.  Real.  Probably the most real a group of
people (let alone strangers) had ever gotten with each other or with themselves.

In between the rounds there was the singing.  Beautiful Native American songs.  I didn’t really understand the meaning, though they were summed up in general before we sang them.  Connecting with the mother, the earth, each other, our hearts, our souls.  Hot.  Wow!  Was it HOT!  One woman apologized for dripping on the woman next to her.  Laughter was heard all around.  Who
wasn’t dripping on the people around them?  Buckets of sweat spilling over.  It was impossible not to.

Then there was the attempt to listen to our hearts beating and to the heart beats of each other.  Then came the drumming trying to sync our heart beats together.  Diving us down into the earth, into the womb of the mother.  Lifting us up into the blackness of space, the mother’s infinite womb.  It became clear we were not only pouring out the toxins from our bodies, we were shedding our skins.  We were rebirthing ourselves.

After three hours around the fire and just over five hours in the lodge those of us who were left slowly crawled out.  Sticky, dripping, coated with dirt, sand, and pebbles.  We were a mess!  Yet, we were changed.  People looked around at each other clearly in altered states.  When we went into the lodge it was day.  Now it was night.  Stars were overhead.  The star people and the moon shined down on us.  We did our best to hose off the dirt, sand, and pebbles.  Then we went into the tent (the teepee was down for now, getting repaired) and changed our clothes.

Once again we were around the fire.  Now it was simply hot coals.  The stone people had been moved into the lodge during our ceremony.  Only the coals remained and had been arranged into a medicine wheel.  Paul was there to greet us.  Normally, he does the sweats.  We sat around the fire again for about an hour and shared a bit our experience.  In part I was also fixated at this time on the leaders of the sweat.  They were clearly an example of a deeply spiritual and loving couple.  They were both so full of compassion.  They had held the space for all of us to do what we needed to do with total acceptance.  No judgment.  Just love.  I
was so moved.

Then the feast began.  Finally, we could eat and drink.  It was already around 11 pm at night.  Some people talked about the sweat.  Most chit chatted trying to finally get to know a little bit about the mundane worlds of each other.  Some sat in silence remaining in altered states.  All agreed.  We were all altered.  Reborn.

Love and blessings,


To learn more about the Ojai Foundation visit here.

Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved.


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Sweat Lodge at the Ojai Foundation.

Keeping the Heart Open When Life Disappoints

August 17, 2011

I’ve written about it a number of times, but it is worth the reminder.  How do we keep our hearts open when life disappoints?  I
know of no better way then the practice of compassion.  Compassion involves the art of sitting with your suffering as if you are in the midst of a Divine friend who is shining love upon you like a golden sun that both cools the anger in your heart and then melts the ice that lies on top of the anger.

It also involves the capacity to look at life with a calm, clear, and loving detachment.  Knowing how to get to this point is the same as knowing how to cultivate the witness or observer.  This observer is not cold and calculated, however.  It is wise and all-knowing and many people find it helpful to imagine this observer to be an aspect of Spirit, or a loving spiritual teacher, or akin to an angel watching over you.

In the loving light of that observer you are both able to heal your hurt and to move into loving acceptance of what is.  This acceptance is not resignation.  It is very much related to that famous saying about changing what you can, realizing what you cannot, and having the wisdom to know the difference.  If you can change it insight will emerge.  That insight will reveal how you or others need to do your shadow work, to look at ways you, or others around you were unskillful and unwise in their
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

But, without that willingness to do the shadow work on the part of yourself or others, change may not occur.  For change and the desire to do the work in the shadow can only happen if people are willing to look and to become more responsible, caring, loving, forgiving, compassionate, and wise.  If not, then acceptance that change cannot occur frees you to let go – to move on.  And, even there the heart can be utilized to offer compassion within the acceptance of what cannot change, what cannot be.

Through compassion then the heart doesn’t break and crumble, it breaks open and expands.  There love is born, love is known for yourself – for others –  for all!

Love and blessings,


Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved.


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When the Spiritual Quest Ends Real Spiritual Life Begins

August 17, 2011

It is a natural stage to go in search of your Higher Self, Spirit, or God.  Yet, there is a faster way to Self-Realization that does not involve slowly trudging up the mountain, rather it involves leaping automatically to the top and in fact becoming the mountain itself.  And, some even say that the “old path” is to go on a quest, but the “new path” is to know you have already arrived.  How do we discern the difference between the two paths and learn to choose the later?  Simple.  Service.

Here is a way to understand the difference. Undergoing a spiritual quest is like going in search of some water.  So we travel here, take a class there, try a technique here, study with a teacher there, so on and so forth.  For many decades I did this in my life and I understand how it goes.  But, at some point you wake up and you realize YOU ARE THE WATER!  You are what you are searching for.  You are Spirit, God, Goddess, the Divine — whatever you want to call it.  Now what?

Now your focus radically shifts.  You are no longer on a quest because you have found what you have been looking for and you are it.  And, it is at this point that the focus of spiritual life shifts.  Your life becomes more about your spiritual purpose and finding ways to fulifll it through service.

That purpose can be in a variety of fields and it will uniquely match your talents and gifts.  Maybe it is in the field of science, politics. teaching, engineering, parenting, relationships, education, healing, marketing, business, arts, acting, whatever!  The
point is your life is no longer about flitting around just tasting and enjoying, having fun here and there, wandering around and going through and just sampling the menu.  Your life is about service, which requires a greater focus than the questing stage allows.

And, that is precisely where the ego rebels.  The ego wants to be “free.”  It wants to aspire to the spiritual path, but it doesn’t want to be disciplined in it, which is really no freedom at all.  It is like wanting to be “free” to be healthy without disciplining yourself to eat right and exercise.  True freedom requires discipline and effort.  Only then can you get to another level.  For example, now that you are healthy you have far more “freedom” because you are in better shape to enjoy and experience life.

Spiritual practice is the same way.  At first the ego doesn’t want to really have to find a spiritual purpose.  It doesn’t want to go through the disciplines to put that purpose into practice.  It doesn’t want to wake up everyday and focus on what one is here to give versus simply enjoy.  And, it doesn’t want to think about that giving in a focused versus a casual haphazard way.  Why not?  Because the ego believes it has more freedom this way.  But, think about it.  If you are really focused on how your gifts and talents
can serve others, how many more people will open up their hearts to you than if you are mostly focused on entertaining yourself?  How many more people will create opportunities for you to share your service, than if you don’t offer much of a service at all or do it only in a haphazard way?

Believe me I know about this kind of rebellion.  I have lived the life of wanting to just flit about here and there.  The end result was that Spirit kept pushing my ego onward until it realized more and more that only by finding and fulfilling my spiritual purpose, would real freedom emerge.  Does this mean the spiritual quest for me has ended?  In some ways no, but in many ways yes.  As I exercise the muscles of living my spiritual purpose and acting from a place of focused service, I am discovering that realizations about spiritual life come much faster than before.  I live less and less in the illusion that I need to search for Spirit (or water) out there!  I am IT in here and everywhere.  That’s the freedom.  That’s the joy!  That’s the bliss!  May I continue to know IT, be IT,
and share IT with all of you who are IT as well.

Love and blessings,


Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved.


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Why I Am a Revolutionary of the Heart & Want You To Be One Too!

February 2, 2011

When my son was small I took him with me to help a homeless man I had decided to visit and care for on a regular basis.  When we left the man (who was a Vietnam vet), my son was dumbfounded by the idea that there could even be people without a home.  He was around three at the time and felt just as confused when I showed him a Sesame Street book and explained to him how people had different eyes, noses, mouths and skin types and it was up to us to love people in all their glorious ways of being; but, some people were mean to others because of these differences.  

When we are children we have a natural sense of what is love is.  We know that all things are interconnected and worthy of love, celebration, and respect.  Yet, too soon we hit the reality of a world full of the opposite of that love. We are told that differences are bad and are taught to live in fear.  How does this happen?  I am sure the answer is far more complex, but I can’t help but believe that one of the reasons is we are taught to glorify the very things that lead to entitlement and fear.  

Especially in the United States as I grew up I struggled early on with the ever escalting worship of wealth.  As I wrote in my BEYOND THE SECRET book, my first crisis regarding this happened in my mid-twenties when I married a relatively wealthy man who told me when I married him, “I would never have to work another day in my life.”  True.  Rapidly, my life became about ski vacations, visiting luxurious golf courses, and contemplating how much I could pamper myself.  

Only one problem, I was naturally mystical as a child and had an almost desparate desire to know who God was.  I was also conditioned by a few main factors before I entered in that marriage that made me keenly sensitive to the state most people live in on this Earth.  To begin with, I was raised with an ethic of helping those in need, especially the troubled and the poor.  While most young people around me were glorifying in their youth, I was steeped in reading books on psychology, comparative religions, and getting heavy into meditation.  I was also working professionally with troubled youth, specializing at the time in those who had been physically and sexually abused.     

Literally, I went from living in a dangerous neighborhood in downtown San Bernardino in what some liked to call “the arm pit of Southern California”, while I was struggling to get through graduate school, to having two homes and a couple Mercedes.  And, I went from helping homeless youth, gang kids, runaway teenagers, and abused children to worrying about my nails, my ski bunny outfit, and my golf game. Until one day I was sitting in the jacuzzi in our home on the golf course in Palm Springs and it hit me just how many of these homes were empty about eleven months out of a year!  It impacted me in a deep way that so many people around where I was sitting in that jacuzzi had second (or third) homes they almost never visited, while billions of people on the globe didn’t even have one home to begin with.  The crisis of that realization led to the rapid end of my marriage.  It was also the beginning of a life long struggle that continues for me this day.     

And, it catipulted me many years later into my years of studying in depth the topic of Wealth and Spirituality when I undertook a Ph.D. dissertation.  There I researched what every major religion had to say about how to use money in a spiritual way.  I researched the lives of billionaires past and present to find out what these people were actually like.  And, I was asked to interview fifteen wealthy people who had a minimum net worth of 5 million dollars for ninety minutes, so they could talk to me about how they used their money in a spiritual way. Though I was sure these wealthy and spiritual people were out there, here is the irony, I went broke trying to find them!  (As one former IBM CFO told me, “Finding wealthy people who use their money in a spriitual way is like finding a needle in a haystack.  Good luck!”).   

In my research I also became super aware around 2003 of the growing gap between the rich and the poor in this world and how the United States of America was no longer a democracy (government by and for the benefit of the people), but a plutocracy (government by and for the benefit of the ultra rich).  That reality became a public fact when Michael Moore released a document by Citigroup (one of the world’s richest and largest banks) released around 2007 – 2008, where they talked openly about how they (the super rich) could get even richer on the backs of the poor.  (Rent his DVD Captialism to learn more).    

When my book BEYOND THE SECRET was released (read more about my book and what it is about at just months after the book THE SECRET came out, I was on the radio as of January 2008 declaring that the economy around the world was about to collapse.  I remember some callers were furious with me.  I was a Law of Attraction teacher.  How could I say such a thing?  I was saying it based upon the teachings I wrote about in my book on how to use the law of attraction in a spiritual way.  I was saying it based upon certain mystical realizations I had experienced in 1989 that revealed to me the profound unity of all existence.  And, I was saying it based upon my my years of research from 2000 – 2005 that made me aware of the growing rule of the  plutocrats around the world. On the radio shows I spoke on, I referred people to the Dr. Suess story, Yertle the Turtle.  Yertle was a typical plutocrat (worshipper of wealth), who believed his job was to own and rule over everything he saw.  So, he stacked up hundreds of turtles so he could see more and own more.  That is until the tiny turtle at the bottom of the heap got sick and tired of it all and burped.  That is all he did and Yertle fell to the floor.    

As I asserted on the radio (and this was January 2008, just ten months before the collapse started to occur), we simply cannot have a world where 1% of the world’s population (about 7 million people) own 95% of the world’s resources, property, and wealth.  As much as they want to declare themselves rich, famous, and powerful they are simply NOT GETTING IT!  They are not getting that true wealth, true freedom, true power, comes from the capacity to LOVE and BE LOVED.   That means learning how to love everyone.  Why?  Because we are everyone.  Not only are we each a part of the world; in a very essential way we are the world.  What we do, who we are, how we live, and especially how much we do (or do not) love impacts everything and everyone around us.   

Here is one example from my life that brought that fact concretely home to me.  In the early 1990’s the Rodney King riots happened.  I stayed up all night worried because I was once again working with gang kids.  My new husband and I took a walk in the morning and he asked me, “How do we want to remember this day?”  I thought hard and went into action.  The very next day I was down in the riot zone with a truck load of supplies collected from various churches in the Orange County, Southern California town I lived in.  A small handful of us (my husband and I, a truck driver who had suddenly appeared to drive the truck, and a couple who thankfully brought along a cell phone – the archiac huge kind that very few people had in those days) arrived first at the Agape church run by Michael Beckwith.  But, we had too many supplies (donations had come in from so many churches so fast the truck was packed), so we were sent to two other churches.  One was right in the riot zone.     

The church we arrived at was closed.  Just a few blocks from it a crowd had gathered.  What I remember most was a man with a bull-horn who was saying out loud to the crowd, “Next time it’s the rich people’s homes who will go up in smoke.”  One year later on the anniversary of the Rodney King riot, rich neighborhoods in five counties in Southern California were lit up in flames.  I still reflect on if I was witnessing the seeds of that horrible destruction of property due to frustration, anger and rage that night.   

But, the larger point is this, I believe in the deepest part of my being it is time, it is way past time, to STOP our glorification of wealth.  The point of life is NOT TO GET A MILLION DOLLARS.  As I have said many times the point of life is to discover your human potential so you can OPEN YOUR HEART UP TO WHERE YOU WILLINGLY AND JOYOUSLY CAN HELP A MILLION PEOPLE.   

Now, as I write this millions of people are amassing in Egypt and more are gathering around the world.  And, here is the message I am hearing.  They are fed up!  In a very real way, they are “burping” or speaking up!  Thankfully, they are doing it in a peaceful non-violent way following the examples of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.    

Well, I am doing much the same.  Once again I am pleading for all of us to stop this notion of believing success means wealth.  It doesn’t.  A month ago I watched the premier of The Happy Movie ( where I live in Ojai, California.  Please get it and watch it.  In the United States we say we have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet we seem clueless as to what brings happiness in the first place.  And, guess what!  It isn’t money!  Yes, if you don’t have your basic needs met it can impact your happiness.  But, once they are met (and I am talking basic needs, not luxury needs), the more you focus on externals like outer appearances, money, and stuff the less happy you are.  Happiness is created by things such as having lots of loving relationships, being able to regularly get out into nature, having variety in life, finding ways to be creative, buildling a sense of community, practicing random acts of kindness to improve the lives of others and more!  

Look, there is nothing wrong with money or even wealth.  IF EVERY BILLIONAIRE said to him or herself (and some of them have), “I will be sure to help at least one billion people have a better life with my billion dollars” everyone on the planet (all seven billion of us) would have our basic needs met.  And, if we measured happiness based upon GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS (and the factors that make us happy), instead of Gross National Product (with the insane cancer like proposition that our duty in life is to consume, consume, consume until there is nothing left on the planet and we all die off trying), we could all really be happy in life.  I mean all of us.  All seven billion of us in this world.  

On a final note.  Here in the United States we like to make a big deal about freedom.  Well, I am a Daughter of the American Revolution twice over (see being a revolutionary is in my blood).  I have a famous relative, Admiral Matthew Perry, who helped fight the war during the American Revolution at sea.  So, what is it that brings about freedom?  ONE THING.  LOVE!  Got it?  It’s that simple.  Love.  Love makes us free.  Love makes us happy.  Love helps us live in a better world.   

But, to love we have to feel our connection to each other as a reality, as a fact!  I experienced that fact during a series of mystical episodes in 1989 and have struggled to understand how to implement that realization in practical ways in my life ever since.  One thing I know, what helps me, helps you.  What hurts me, hurts you.  That is why I follow the words of one of  my heroes, Brother Wayne Teasdale, when he wrote, “Live simply, so people can simply live!”   No, that’s not socialism.  It’s not a flattening of everyone down to mediocrity ville.  Rather, it is an internal ethic that the more abundance and talent we have, the MORE WE JOYOUSLY DESIRE TO GIVE OF THAT ABUNDANCE to help others realize and share their gifts and potential.  That is what creates happiness in this world.  Why aren’t we pursing it?    

Just to let you know, when I was doing my Wealth and Spirituality research I also studied philanthropy.  And, here is what I found out.  Those who were wealthy who wanted to use their wealth in a spiritual way often reversed the usual equation of giving 10% to charity that many religions promote.  Rather, like Andrew Carnegie, they vowed to give away 90% of what they had, while they were alive, and gladly lived on the remaining 10% of their wealth (which was plenty anyway).  And, it was their JOY to do so.  Why?  Because they felt their connection with everyone.  Because they lived out of an ethic of love.   

So, let’s join our hearts together.  They are doing it in the Middle East as I write this.  Why not do it everywhere?    

In conclusion, here is a video I have been playing as I write this. It says what I am trying to convey to you best of all.  It let’s you know the truth. There is so much magnificence in me, in you, in us, in the world.  Let’s get busy.  Let’s capitalize on that and find ways to let all the magnificence in all radiate everywhere around us.  

So Much Magnificence – Miten & Deva Premal

 Love and blessings,


 Copyright 2011 by Dr. Lisa Love. All rights reserved. 

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